Dose & Co has landed in the UK

The Halpern Beauty & Wellness team launched premium collagen brand, Dose & Co in to the UK market via a multi-layered strategy of gold-tier earned media coverage, earned social coverage and paid for influencer content.

We identified influencers and partners reflective of the brand’s DNA, a totally organic seeding programme targeted over 100  beauty, wellness and lifestyle tastemakers.

“Health and wellness is something I’m hugely passionate about, and I wanted to find a way I could help inform people about the benefits of collagen, without confusion or accessibility challenges. I was looking into brands and speaking to experts around the world when I discovered Dose & Co. Once I tried the brand, I quickly saw how easily it fit into my overall routine and lifestyle. I was so impressed by the ingredients, the results, and the vision, I knew I wanted to get more involved,” says Partner and Global Spokesperson, Khloé Kardashian.


An edible cloud experience with eggslut and Bompas & Parr
