Talking heads...with Andre Bogues

Talent, not just celebrity, is carrying us through isolation

Lockdown has meant people are spending more time on social and digital platforms, searching for inventive, creative and disruptive ways to break their days up. This also means that people have more time to scrutinise and nitpick the content they’re seeing.

With this, we’ve seen an increased criticism towards once untouchable celebrities and influencers. Yes, in the past there have been several scandals and outrageous meltdowns but, within the last few weeks, we’ve been quick to discount the power of celebrities and influencers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Is this something the celebrity landscape can bounce back from?

Collectively, people everywhere have immersed themselves in culture - whether it be high brow art forms like the opera or virtual gallery trips, or something more low brow such as rewatching episodes of Come Dine With Me (what I’d give to have a ‘lovely’ meal at a friend’s home). However, it seems that many have forgotten where much of this entertainment and culture stems from - celebrities and influencers.

No, we don’t want to see celebrities complaining about being stuck in their massive homes or telling us to stay calm and ‘Imagine’; we’re still interested in what we’ve always turned to them for - talent.

Whether it’s an actor or comedienne allowing us to escape reality through a Netflix special, a personal trainer hosting a home workout or an artist holding virtual life drawing classes, it’s those who are sharing their talents and passions getting us through. Take Gizzi Erskine and Professor Green teaming up for Giz and Greens to teach people how to make their favourite takeaway comfort food during isolation. It’s taking something we know, love and miss, and using Gizzi’s culinary talent to make people’s day that little bit brighter.

Now in week six, for some, reading the virtual room is crucial right now, and celebrities need to realise their position isn’t the same as the majority of the world. Brands working with influencers and celebrities need to hone in on exactly what skill makes them right for its current message rather than solely focusing on reach and other metrics. What can they do to make isolation a little less lonely, a little more mindful and a lot more colourful? 

When this is over, celebrities and influencers will be able to return to their passions and share their talent to continue to spread a positive message.


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